Costly Mistakes Your Credit Card Company Wants You to Make

Credit card mistakes are extremely common, regardless of whether they are due to carelessness, financial problems, or confusion. While the fallout to the borrower can be costly, there are a variety of mistakes in which your credit card company won’t actually mind you make. By failing to use your credit card responsibly, your credit card company can actually profit from your mistakes. Identifying these potential problems can help you to avoid them in the future.

Making Only the Minimum Payment

Making only the minimum payment on your debt is a mistake that is typically not a concern to most credit cards. To help your credit, it is important that you are paying at least the minimum payment, but doing so is not likely to get your debt paid off. Your interest rate will likely cause your debt to grow, and in some cases your outstanding balance will continue to grow despite consistently paying the minimum required amount.

New rules established by the Credit CARD Act of 2009 make it easier for you to determine how long it will take you to pay off your credit card debt by simply making the minimum payment. For example, if you have a credit card with a 14% interest rate and a balance of $5,000, only making the minimum payment of $100 will take you over 20 years to pay off the debt. You will also pay over $6,000 in interest. By simply increasing your monthly payment to $150, your debt could be paid off in as little as four years, and the amount of interest you pay will be less than $1,400. Checking your credit score after you repay this debt you will also be more likely to see a positive credit history than you would if you simply paid the minimum required payment.

Missing a Payment

Another one of the major credit card mistakes you can make that your lender won’t mind is to miss a payment. This error can be extremely profitable if the borrower catches back up and eventually corrects their mistake. Interest is incurred during this time, and the card issuer is also likely to issue a late fee which is usually around $30. Some credit card companies will also increase the interest rate on the cardholder’s account, and this can make any future balances more expensive to the borrower and more profitable for the lender.

You should also note that missing a payment is quite different from defaulting on your payment or refusing to pay. This type of delinquency is known as non-default. Most major credit card companies note that 2-10% of their borrowers are situated in that stage of delinquency. By utilizing credit monitoring services, you can keep up-to-date with how this mistake is affecting your credits core.

Ignoring Your Monthly Billing Statement

Whether your monthly billing statement is sent to you via mail or you access it online, it is important to ensure that you view it. Mistakes can happen, so it is important that your review your monthly statement to make sure that no charges have been placed on it in error. If unfamiliar charges suddenly appear on your bill, this can be a sign of identity theft, so it is important to contact your lender right away to report any discrepancies.

Lenders don’t mind when borrowers neglect to read their statements. Reading through your bill can help you to understand how long you will need to pay off your debt. Credit card companies, who are in the business of making money off of the interest you pay on your outstanding balances, aren’t concerned if you miss this step. The numbers outlined on your bill could provide you with a wakeup call to increase the amount you are paying each month in order to get your debt paid off.

Certain credit card mistakes can be costly to you as the borrower, but they can result in a profit for the lending company. By identifying these mistakes, you can work to avoid them when using your credit card in the future.

5 Reasons Why Sending Money Online the Most Efficient Way to Transfer Funds

Let’s say that your son or daughter is backpacking abroad for a year. They have saved up for this trip for the last year, and insist that they have enough to keep them safe, fed and sheltered. But 7 months into their trip, they have run out of money for one reason or another (excessive pub-crawling with other young backpackers, theft, unforeseen expenses, and more). What to do, what to do?

Now your child really needs your help, and they need it fast. You might consider a bank wire, or sending a check in the mail (not recommended). But have you considered sending money online? Compared to a wire, you may be wondering if sending money online is as efficient, and rightly so as you child might need cash in the next day or two to pay for a roof over their head, food to eat or a pair of shoes (as their current pair is literally full of holes).

Sending money online is definitely the way to go, but if you are still not convinced, consider these points:

It’s instant. Sending money online only takes a second. You can add a credit card to your account, or add funds by bank account. Then you can send it to your child’s ewallet account, and the money will be in their possession in a moment. They can withdraw the amount to their credit card or to their bank account, and pay for their needs, whatever they may be.

It’s free. Doesn’t cost you a penny to open an account and send money to someone else. This is a big perk as sending a bank wire can cost a lot. However, there may be a fee of the receiving end of this transaction, so make sure to include a little extra. If you want to know more about the fees, check the website of the ewallet platform you are using.

It’s secure. Many remittance platforms use SSL encryption and employ a security team that monitors transactions and online behaviour around-the-clock. You can rest assured that your personal and payment information, and that of your child’s are completely safe at all times.

It’s easy to do. Sending money online with a payment platform is simple, and requires little thinking. That is, if the platform is well-designed. You can figure out quite quickly if it is by how long it takes you to sign up. If you have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to sign up, you might want to keep looking until you find one that is easier to use.

It’s convenient. Sending money online with a payment platform can be done anywhere, anytime. You don’t have to go to the bank or any other place where bank wires are offered. You can send money to your child at home, in your office, in your car, in line at the grocery store, on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Sensual Tips for These Autumn Months

Ah, autumn – a time when the air is crisp and leaves turn a cavalcade of colors, and men wonder what specific sensual tips they can use on their partners to boost their coupling to even higher levels. Assuming that consistent male organ care has resulted in a member that is up and game for some new activities, the following autumn-focused sensual tips can enliven the fall for just about any man. And since autumn is a time when sensual drives are generally at their peak, these tips should prove especially timely.

Autumn leaves

Sure, the image that most readily comes to mind when one hears autumn is the cascade of red, yellow, gold and brown leaves that cover the earth. With trees denuding themselves left and right, it’s the perfect opportunity for a guy to take advantage of Nature to up his sensual game.

• Be a rake. All those leaves can’t just lie where they fall; they have to be raked up. If the backyard is decently private, invite a bedmate over and share physiques and leaf expertise by raking up the yard unclothed. Invite that partner to help by doffing their clothes and helping bag the leaves – and anything else that catches their fancy.

• Pile it on. Too shy to rake in the buff? Stay clothed but gather those leaves into a huge pile. The grab a partner and fall into the leaves together in a warm embrace. With the leaves as cover, feel free to rub mid-sections together – and if the leaves provide sufficient coverage, let loose a couple of zippers and proceed to the main event.


• Cos play. Why should the kids have all the dress-up fun? Partners can add a little spice to their sensual lives by donning costumes and acting our appropriate scenarios. (Hint: Encourage a partner to dress as a vampire who wants to suck life-giving blood and then emphasize just how full of blood a firm male organ is.)

• Bob for apples. Draw a nice hot bath for two. With her orbs bobbing up in the water like a pair of ripe apples, take time to shower them with oral attention. Start by kissing, licking and sucking on them, but feel free to move on to using hands if she likes; bending the bobbing for apples rules is fine if no one else is there to report it.

• Celebrate alone. Want a seasonal way to celebrate some “alone time?” Carve a pumpkin into a personal Jack O’Lantern – with just one hole that’s about the thickness of a firm male member. The next step should be obvious to any man who’s ever had a tumescent manhood.

Cool weather

• Bundle up – and off. That tangy autumn snap in the air means that everyone will be adding a few layers. So have fun taking them off. Why not perform a Chippendale’s strip: removing that hat, scarf, gloves, and so forth? And once bare, be a gentleman and help the lady off with her clothes – taking extra care with those delicate unmentionables.

Autumn sensual tips like these can make the fall a terrific season for sensual activity – as long as the man’s member is ready to play. Keeping it healthy via a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is therefore crucial. Select a crème that features L-arginine, a valuable amino acid that is known for its role in creating nitric oxide. This in turn helps to open up manhood vessels and keep them ready for that all-important blood flow that sustains tumescence. If the crème also contains vitamin C, so much the better; this vitamin is a key component for collagen production and tumescent tissue function. Enjoy the fall!

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.